Super Lucky Number

Dragon Number, Phoenix Number—the True Essence of Wealth

Immense fortune numbers are those specially intended to reinforce your financial stability. People using these numbers will find their investments more fruitful with less difficulties. Leadership, influence, prestige, luck and life safety will be a huge plus for them. The immense fortune numbers may be categorized into two types: Dragon number 789 and Phoenix Number 289.

Dragon Number 789

The implication of the Dragon number is its user’s leadership, initiative, courage and power to attract a big fortune, good luck, tremendous success and helpful allies. Further, originality, leadership vision and a good sense of future plus safety and security will be added to the self of the user.

Phoenix Number 289

This specific number is defined as the symbol of a thinker, negotiator, wit, imagination and creativity—all to attract a substantial fortune, remarkable success, helpful allies, good luck, personal safety and a smart sense of future.

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