Enterprise Object Storage

Easy-manage, flexible,  and secure data storage that is ready to support business data usage

AIS and CSL provide this complete cloud service in partnership with VMware and Cloudian, offering the Enterprise object storage service domestically. They are ready to service any company seeking storage, backup, archive and container storage-as-a-Service offerings that are compatible with their needs, which could be stored unstructured data and scale up to one exabyte without interruption, as well as data storage that supports new standards and regulations requiring the store of information for 5 or 10 years. This has made many enterprises seek out off-site data storage solutions which function on a pay per use basis. This kind of storage also massively reduces capital expenditure on sourcing and maintaining systems.


On top of storage volumes and connections, another key factor for data security is to protect against ransomware, with another interesting feature from Cloudian which many are now starting to use. It is a change from keeping such data overseas or as internal file shares, giving backups inside the country. AIS Business Cloud is the first Thai provider of Enterprise object storage services on the VMware platform.

Key Features

Fully S3-Compatible Storage Platform. This makes it an ideal platform for S3-compatible services offerings and software development.

Storage Management via VMware Cloud Director. This helps eliminate the console-hopping that brings down productivity and allows management tasks to be automated within the VMware Cloud Director framework.

Data protection from Object Lock Compliance Mode (WORM) and Versioning.

Storage is located domestically, supporting connections on the Cloud, including On-premise and Public cloud.

Why choose the Enterprise Object Storage from AIS Business 

Save on CAPEX with no investment in either Hardware Storage or Software, or the expense of hiring IT experts.

Monthly service fee is calculated from storage volumes, supporting expansion of storage space, with no service fees for Data Transfer in moving data In/Out, giving long-term cost-effectiveness.

Data stored domestically with team of expert engineers on hand to give advice 24 hours.

Business Use Cases

Financial and Banking businesses can manage data and transaction growth in the system with secure and scalable storage volumes which can be expanded without interruption.

Media & Entertainment businesses require flexible systems which support rapid expansion and changes to deliver new services and give innovative new user experiences to customers.

Manufacturing operations are in the age when the Internet of Things (IoT) has a key role to boost efficiency when manufacturing systems generate huge volumes of data. The business requires efficient data storage systems to support its further growth.

Contact AIS Business for consulting and digital technology planning to support your business