Skills for Scale to Steps: AIS The StartUp Ep.1
11 Nov 62

Over the last 7-8 years, the word ‘startup’ has become widely known in Thailand, with it emerging as one of the key issues in design thinking. During that time, knowledge of how to build and run a startup has been limited. However, with new technologies that give us greater access to news and information, we are constantly developing our understanding across a wide range of startup issues. Many first-generation startups have been able to expand up to the point where they can scale-up, with many experiencing outstanding growth in a short period of time.

We would like to take you back to when AIS first launched the AIS The StartUp project. At that time, we saw the possibility of developing new business groups and building new technologies that can respond to the challenges around us. We wanted to act as a testing ground where people with ideas could have their own space and get support. As such, all the time we have been working with Thai startups, we have always been learning from each other and exchanging knowledge along the way.

According to the Thailand Tech Startup Ecosystem Report 2018 from Techsauce, 35 Thai startups received a combined total of $61.25 million in funding last year. That figure is a hugely positive signal, and one that suggests Thai startups are heading in the right direction and will continue to grow.

In addition to AIS The StartUp, a key role that AIS wants to play in supporting startup businesses is one of sharing knowledge and experience so that who anyone who is interested in startups can also learn.

However, if we look at the bigger picture, it’s not about achieving 100% success for every entrepreneur who enters the startup environment. Of course, there will be ideas and businesses that fail, and will be seen to fail. But what we want to do is to invite you to come together and think about what we need to do if we are to solve the puzzles of ‘suggestive failure’ and ‘key success factors’ in the startup business?

For a startup business to take itself from scaling-up to becoming a household name is no easy feat. Almost every company needs time to prove itself and to develop an intelligent strategy. Therefore, we can all look at both the finished product and the elements that make up a company and ask: What is the difference between the startups that stand the test of time, and those that have to pack up and go home?

Satrtup scaleup series (Thai Version)